By planning your vacation in advance you will meet various kinds of expenses and fulfill the purpose of the trip in a very efficient manner. Your travel, accommodation, dining and other aspects of your visit should be fulfilled in the best possible way. Whether you are making a holiday trip or business visit, you should forget the importance of travel insurance. You should buy the most appropriate travel insurance plan to cover your trip. There are various kinds of travel insurance policies offered by Indian companies which are affordable and you can make the most of your money.
Benefits of a travel insurance plan
While subscribing to a travel insurance plan, you should go through the terms and conditions of the policy. You should be aware of your needs and the policy that best meets all kinds of risks can be subscribed very easily.
• Covers travel-related risks - Travel Insurance Plans are designed to cover the risks associated with your travel itinerary. The inconvenience caused in your trip will be compensated in monetary form. The loss of baggage will be replaced with the insurance plan. It will help you overcome the hospitalization expenses as well.
• Can be bought online/offline - The travel insurance policy can be purchased online or offline. If you buy an online policy, you can save money. It is possible to compare the features of various plans and the plan that best fulfills your needs can be subscribed.
• Offers support - The travel insurance company that offers best support should be chosen.
• Convenience - If you buy a travel insurance plan in India, you will pay the money in Indian rupees and the compensation will be made in foreign currency when you go abroad.
• Affordable - The premium paid for the travel insurance policy will be very little compared with the benefits associated with the plan. You can avoid out of pocket expenses by choosing the right kind of policy.
• Stress-free trip - It is possible to make a stress-free foreign trip when you and your luggage are insured by the travel plan.
• Different kinds of trips - There are individual plans, family plans and group plans which can be bought as per your feasibility.
• Protects trip cancellation - The travel insurance will protect the trip cancellation and interruption. During emergencies, you will want to cancel the trip and it can be done very easily with the help of travel insurance policy.
The following risks are covered by the travel insurance plan:
• Trip cancellation
• Trip delay
• Loss of baggage or personal belongings
• Tour operator default
• Accidental death
• Emergency reunion
• Dental expenses
• Legal expenses
• Emergency hospitalization
• 24-hour emergency services
It is possible to customize a travel insurance policy as per your needs so that all kinds of risks that are relevant to your location, circumstances and other parameters are addressed by the policy. You can also consult an advisor to get more information about the types of policies and the special features of those policies.
Medical emergency
There are Travel Insurance Plans which support medical expenses as well. You should be aware of the inclusion of the medical cover with the travel insurance policy. If the emergency medical cover is extended by the insurance company, the premium will be higher than the general travel insurance policy. However, you will have access to emergency medical consultation and other services with the inclusion of the risk.
Replacement of loss baggage
It is not uncommon that your baggage may be misplaced or lost due to circumstances which are not in your control. The baggage and its belongings will be insured by the travel insurance policy. You will want to declare the contents and the value of the contents to be eligible for the compensation. Your travel insurance company will help you claim these losses.
Personal liability
If you are involved in an accident or responsible for others’ injury or damage, the personal liability clause will protect you in the foreign land. The insurance company will offer the legal services so that you can overcome the financial and legal battles very easily.
Student travel insurance policy
Students can purchase a travel insurance policy from the university or from the Indian insurance company. Some universities will not object to buying a policy from an Indian insurance company. You can buy an insurance company as per your needs. You will be able to cover your travel-related risks, accommodation-related risks and risks associated with your luggage and documents. If there is flight delay/cancellation, the expenses are covered by the plan. You should go for a comprehensive plan which covers emergency medical expenses as well.
Family travel insurance policy
With a family travel insurance policy, all the family members will be covered by the policy. The coverage will be high and the premium will be low. You can choose features that are relevant to your needs. As soon as the travel itinerary is prepared, you should buy a policy to cover all the risks.
Group insurance plan
With a group insurance plan, the insurance policy will become very much affordable. You can buy a single trip or multi-trip plan. With a corporate insurance policy, the employers will secure protection of their employees. The plans will cover medical and travel-related risks in a very efficient manner. If you are planning with a group of 20 members or more, the group insurance plan will be feasible. The trip curtailment, trip cancellation and loss of baggage and other features can be included in the policy.
Travel insurance is imminent to cover various kinds of risks that arise from the domestic or foreign trip. A travel plan can be customized to serve your special interests so that there will be the greatest satisfaction. You should go through the eligibility and the exclusions before applying a policy. The travel plan from a reputed company will address your needs and you can make a stress-free trip!
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