You never know when an emergency can strike you or your family. If it happens when you are traveling, you will face lot of hurdles in getting treatment as you may not be carrying enough money to meet the expenses. On the other hand, financial loss while traveling can also cause lot of problems and you need to be prepared to handle such emergencies. Make sure that you get a proper travel insurance policy and enjoy a safe and comfortable vacation with your family members. This is even more important when you are traveling for business reasons and you cannot afford to lose time and patience over loss of baggage or other important documents. When you have the right insurance plan, you can easily get coverage for all the losses that happen to your life and assets while traveling and this will give you complete peace of mind.
Who can choose travel insurance?
• Anyone traveling within India or abroad can choose travel insurance policy and get the best coverage for any loss during travel.
• In normal cases, the age criteria for such policies range from 5 years to 70 years. You can get further details about individual plans and their eligibility criteria by approaching the company executives.
• It can be chosen for a long duration when you are traveling for vacation or business related activities.
• You can choose this only for yourself or for your entire family and cover your trip.
• In the same manner, it is also possible to include everyone in your team by choosing the group insurance plans.
• The duration of coverage can also be as small as a few days and this is best suited for short trips within the country.
Domestic and International Travel Insurance
Many people travel to different parts of the country to spend their holidays with friends and family members. In this situation, you can choose the domestic travel insurance policy and enjoy the complete coverage offered by this plan. This will cover all the medical expenses due to accident or other health issues and you can save lots of money during travel. However, you need to choose the relevant option while buying the insurance policy for your family. Make sure that you disclose all the pre-existing diseases properly so that you will not face any issues when availing coverage for such problems. In the same way, you should also ensure that you carry the policy document along with you during travel so that you can use them at the network hospitals during emergency situation. The policy also covers loss of baggage and other issues faced during travel.
If you are traveling abroad, you should always have such travel insurance policy and it is even compulsory to have such plans when you visit many countries. The visa for many countries will be granted only when you are covered with proper insurance plans. The advantage of choosing international coverage is that you can get benefits at any location in the world. It is possible to secure your health condition in this manner and you can even get coverage for loss of baggage and other valuables during travel.
You may like to read : Common Myths about Domestic Travel Insurance Plans Busted
Benefits of travel insurance
• It offers coverage for medical emergencies that include hospitalization expenses and other expenses for medical treatment during travel.
• In the same way, it can even compensate for the financial loss that arises out of delay in flights or cancellation of flights due to various reasons.
• You can even get coverage for loss of baggage and other valuable documents like passport and visa during travel.
• Accident coverage is part of almost every travel insurance policy and this is the biggest advantage of choosing such plans for your travel needs.
• The coverage can be availed in any part of the world when you are equipped with the best travel insurance plan. However, you need to check with this factor about the particular country you are planning to visit before buying travel insurance for your trip.
• In most cases, you need not even have to undergo medical tests to get travel insurance from reputed companies.
• The policy can cover individuals as well as group and you can check the suitable plan that meets your individual requirements.
• You can choose the plan for as many days and this is major advantage of travel insurance plans as they offer flexibility for the consumers and they can go out for short as well as long trips.
Types of travel insurance plans
Single Trip insurance plans
• You can choose the trip for even a single trip that lasts only for a few days.
• In the same way, you can even consider this plan when you are not planning to travel frequently to other locations.
• In most cases, the duration of this plan does not exceed a few months and this will be more than enough even when you have to spend a long holiday in a foreign location for a couple of months.
Multi-trip insurance plans
• When you want to choose the travel insurance policy for a long duration, you can choose this option that gives coverage for the entire year.
• Within this duration, you can even select the number of days for which you need coverage and this will help you to reduce the premium amount according to your individual requirement.
• You can select 30days of coverage or 60 and 90 days as per your travel needs during the year.
• This option is best suited for frequent travelers.
Family floater plans
• If you are planning to travel along with your family for a vacation, you can choose this plan.
• This offers coverage for all the family members under a single policy.
• You can avail coverage for a single trip in this plan.
In this manner, you can get the best out of your travel insurance plan and enjoy a comfortable vacation without any problems. You should always be prepared for any emergency situation during travel and having proper insurance will protect you from many troubles in future. Make sure that you check all the different plans available in the market so that you can choose the best one that gives maximum benefits for your travel needs.
For more details check PolicyBazaar Reviews
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